Built in the Early 1900's

For so many times in the history of the United States Victorian Homes became Funeral Homes. And so was the Labs Funeral Home. It was built around the early 1900’s during the Victorian “era’. As a home the building had some unique features such as a “smoke house’ on the third floor to smoke meat, a “dumb waiter” that ran from the basement to the attic and a’ wooden rain barrel” on the second floor for the collection of rain water used to supply water throughout the home. We are not sure at what time the dumb waiter or the rain barrel were removed but we do know the smoke house was taken out of the third floor in the late 1970’s to allow the space for two bedrooms.

The Honey Brook families of Samuel Mast and Samuel Patton lived in the home prior to the start of the funeral home. There is not a lot of history of the Mast family or the original owners however the Patton family were the third owners and lived in the home until 1949. Mr. Patton was a local builder of homes who built one of his homes just a short distance from the funeral home. In 1950 the Patton family sold the home to Archie Maclean, a funeral director from Coatesville, PA.

Becoming a Funeral Home

Mr. Maclean established the Maclean Funeral Home to serve the families of Honey Brook in 1951. With the assistance of his brother Gordon Maclean, the Macleans had a funeral home in both Coatesville and Honey Brook. At this time the Honey Brook funeral home operated on the first floor of the victorian home and the second and third floors served as a private residence. The Ranck family lived in the private residence and took care of the property for the Macleans. Mr. Ranck operated a shoe repair business from the carriage house located at the rear of the property. The Maclean brothers placed the first addition on the funeral home during this time.

Changing from Maclean's to Labs'

In October 1969, Mr. Maclean retired to Florida and sold the funeral home to Mr.& Mrs. Walter Labs. The Labs’ along with their family moved into the second and third floors while operating the Walter L. Labs Funeral Home on the first floor. Mr.& Mrs. Labs expanded the funeral home with a second addition on the original home. The addition provided an enlarged chapel, new main entrance and garage space. In the years to come the Labs’ made more improvements to the facility including additional parking, a second garage, an exit driveway and the land purchase behind the funeral home. The business also became incorporated to the Labs Funeral Home, Inc. For 37 years the Labs family lived on the second and third floors, while maintaining a small town family owned and operated funeral home.

Transition to the Eames Family

In 2006 the Labs’ retired and sold the business to David and Terry Eames. David was employed by the Labs’ prior to having the opportunity to own the funeral home. The Eames family renamed the funeral home to The Labs Funeral Home, Inc. with David serving as supervisor. The Eames continue to follow the same tradition as the Labs by making their home on the second and third floors and by keeping the same values of a family owned and operated facility.

Client Testimonials

I have never had the need for a funeral home prior to Mom’s death. A friend told me that The Labs Funeral Home was in Honey Brook for many years. From the first time I called all the way to the ending, Dave was there for our needs. He provided a steady hand for our family. Please accept my sincere thanks for all you did.